Rm 5 - Dana Taylor - danat@westernheights.school.nz

Rm 5 - Dana Taylor - danat@westernheights.school.nz

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Room 5 are learning about insects and transformation!

Mrs Taylor and Ella found lots of cicada shells at a farm on the weekend and brought them in to show the class today! We looked at lots of other insects on the activboard and learned many facts! Then we drew the cicada shells and wrote a sentence or two about them.
Many of the children found even more cicada shells today when they played in the bush area and added them to our nature table! Wow!

Miya learned that insect like butterflies come out of eggs....
Heidi said that insects have 6 legs...
Lilli said that insects have a head and a thorax ( and an abdomen)
Ashton said some insects can fly...
Zephaniah said that they use their antennae to smell!
Xavier said that some insects have stingers
Luke said that the front legs on the cicada look like nippers, or claws!


  1. Hi Room 5 - what cool learning you have been doing. You are learning about how creatures transform.
    The cool thing is you are transforming too - you are growing as learners and leaders. That's pretty awesome.
    From Mr Maindonald

  2. There were some keen people who went on a cicada shell hunt at lunchtime on Friday. Love your enthusiasm Room 5! Love Mrs Sullivan

  3. Great stories Room 5. I love how you are becoming such smart writers!

  4. Great photos Room 5!

  5. Room 5 went to the library today to learn how to use our blog. They were very excited to see photos of themselves and want to go home and teach their families how to access the blog. Way to go Room 5!
