Rm 5 - Dana Taylor - danat@westernheights.school.nz

Rm 5 - Dana Taylor - danat@westernheights.school.nz

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Room 5's Bush Walk!

Today the new children of Room 5 went on an explore and discovery bush walk into the Nature Trail at Western Heights School! We looked at the Insect Hotels!

 We had our afternoon nibbles on the benches! Mrs Taylor read us a story about Jack and the Jellybean Tree. We enjoyed the story, but some of us were bitten by mosquitos so we didn't stay too long!

 We went off to explore more paths and discover different paths and trees and animals!

 Ruby found a worm on the top of the ground! We talked about how worms need to stay under the ground to stay out of the heat from the sun. We also saw a Monarch Butterfly earlier today that was opening and closing its wings to dry them up by Room 3. The butterfly flew away and we jumped in suprise because we were so near to it!
 Some of our middle school classes tidied and enhanced our Nature Trail last year, and Mandy Patmore a lovely artist helped them with Mrs Renner and Mrs Hodder. We loved getting to enjoy the bush walk today!

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